Labels:bulletin board | earth | gazette | person | reckoner | sky OCR: Quote Init Generator 1987 Lincoln Stein This application will generate an INIT file that you should place inside your system folder you type the LINI will automatically substitute the nicer quote pairs ( for the ugly neutral quot will also substitute curly pos trophes for the neutral ones Substitution can be turned on pud off with the cornmand- shift Key combination of your choosing To let you know what it's up to, the INIT will give long beep when turned on and shori beep when turned off There are two options you can specify when you generate the LINI You CQn specify the key used turn the quote substitution on and off with the command -shift combinat tion The default the ( key You can also specify whether quote substitution should be turned on automat tically or will wait for you urr DAOU ...